Satisfied is the man who never gives up in moments of sorrow.
Desperation is not the end; it's an opportunity to prove yourself better than what life has to throw at you.
Heroes are made in the storm; so are cowards. Stand and fight. Fight at all costs for whatever is good and noble.
Choose your battles wisely, but don't run or hide if attacked.
Fight for Truth.
Fight for the good.
Fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Even if you think that's you. Fight. Don't let the attacker get all the punches. You can always fight for yourself even if it is a battle of the will.
The will is where all battles have the first punch. The will decides whether to run or fight.
It's not the man or the training. It's the will.
Victory is not found in the body. Victory is a product of the will.
Never, ever, give in to the forces of evil.
Fight with all your will and then fight with one more punch.
Don't be fooled by the modern lie that "violence never solves anything." They don't call counselors or psychologists when the wolf attacks the sheep. They call armed men & women to extend violence to the attacker. Train and be prepared to fight when danger kicks in your door.
Don't wait in fear. Fight for you life. Fight for those around you. Fight for you family.
Be strong. Be courageous.
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